Wednesday, October 13, 2010


One of my biggest personality flaws is my apparent lack of any sort of filter between my brain and my mouth. This is regarded as generally bad, since I also have a somewhat offensive sense of humor and I also tend to just blurt out the first thing to come to mind without thinking.

Some would argue that this is part of what makes me amusing. I’m sure it is. I’m POSITIVE it is. However, it is not always the Smart Thing To Do.


I work in a law firm. Every client has to sign a retainer agreement when they hire us for a matter that explicitly states what they’re hiring us to do. My boss’s boss was getting on me for not writing the matter retained on the client’s receipts. (Totally valid, I did mess that up, I’ll admit that) She IMs me, saying “How will the client know what they’ve retained for?” Before I could stop myself, I responded with a slightly (though completely unintended) snarky “Well it’s usually on their retainer agreement.”

The second it was out of my mouth, I realized what I’d said and to whom, and cringed. Oops. I’m a Smartass. I’m sorry :(

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