Monday, November 1, 2010

You know what really grinds my gears?

I absolutely CANNOT stand it when someone doesn’t understand a situation because they are ignorant/don’t understand and refuse to learn and/or listen, and then they blame everyone else because they don’t understand. It pisses me off on so many levels. I recently had an experience with an individual who had a problem with English. She was Filipino, and although her English really wasn’t all that bad, she kept saying “I no speak! I no speak! ALL WRONG!!” in regards to some paperwork we drew up for her. First of all, her paperwork was NOT wrong. We have drafted and re-drafted this paperwork like eight times, because we keep writing EXACTLY what she wants us to write and then claims it’s “wrong” because she doesn’t understand the legal jargon. She hired us to draft this for her, specifically BECAUSE she didn’t know what needed to be written. And when we keep trying to explain to her what it is that we’ve written, she keeps saying “I NO SPEAK! ALL WRONG! I KNOW!! ALL WRONG!!” HOW are you going to tell me that you don’t speak the language AND that you know it’s all wrong in the same sentence?! If you don’t speak it then how do you know?! She keeps getting frustrated because she doesn’t understand, and she refuses to listen if we try to explain. I HATE THAT. If you don’t understand, and we try to explain, and you refuse to listen, and then get UPSET that you don’t understand, then honestly? Go somewhere else. You’re pissing me off.

Another thing that really “grinds my gears” came out last night. It was nearing the end of Trick-or-Treating and since we had bought a metric butt-ton of the good, full-size candy bars, I figured I’d take some out on the street and offer it to people, so we could get rid of most of it. Some people were polite and grateful. They took one, maybe two (usually after asking if they could), and said thank you afterward. Then I made the mistake of offering to a certain group of people. These people. Oh dear Lord. The second I offered I knew I shouldn’t have. Half of the kids were way too old to be trick-or-treating (we have a law here that says over 12 is not allowed) and they weren’t even dressed up - although I did overhear one of them state that they “deserved” it and that they believed they were entitled to candy on Halloween. I believe that exact wording was something like “Man, F*CK these kids, I deserve this shit more than they do they cain’t even eat this shit. *I* get candy on Halloween, motherf*ckers!!!” [insert maniacal laugh] The second I called out, “Would any of you like some candy? We bought the full size ones and we’re trying to pass it all out.” I was positively ATTACKED by their crowd. The parents were egging them on, telling the kids to grab as much as they could, and the candy (which was in my apron, I was holding it out) was snatched up by the handful. I mean literally. Kids AND ADULTS were taking handfuls out of my apron, stuffing it into their bags, and taking more - all the while whooping and hollering like they won some prize, screaming “F*CK YEAH MOTHERF*CKERS!” and loudly exclaiming how THIS was the kind of candy they deserved. “THAT’S what I’m talking about, this is the REAL stuff, THIS is the kind of candy we ought to be GETTIN! You got any more?!” ….The amount of ignorance this crowd possessed was staggering. Not to mention the overgrown sense of entitlement and the pure disregard for the fact that this was a family holiday, for the children, who by the way were walking around this and heard every word. I instantly regretted being nice to them and offering them the candy we spent our own money to purchase.

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