Thursday, December 13, 2012

"Motion carried."

Cristina: the point is, even if a girl doesn’t like you for some reason, she’s not going to tell the entire eligible female community to stay away

Steven: but they meet on every 3rd of the month…

Cristina: *sigh* *smack*

Steven: right about the time they sync their menstrual cycles

Steven: thats true right? don’t ruin my illusion

Cristina: HAHAHA can you imagine that meeting?! “okay, ladies, first we’ll read the minutes from last month’s meeting…we established that Justin Bieber is still the king of pop, and that we REALLY love Joseph Gordon-Levitt. We also added Joseph Porfert and Randy Naylor to the do-not-date blacklist. Lady chairman, if you will.” “Yes, now before we start with new business - ” “LADY CHAIRMAN I HAVE AN EMERGENCY ADDITION TO THE BLACKLIST.” “…yes, miss congresswoman?” “I move that we immediately vote on putting Steven on the blacklist as well, because he was awkward when we talked.” *rabble rabble rabble*

Cristina: …they would totally vote nay. that’s not a valid reason to blacklist you.

Cristina: “miss congresswoman, your reasoning is unsatisfactory. motion denied.”


Cristina: i mean uh…

Cristina: IF a meeting of such sort WERE to take place

Cristina: >.>